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How To Get Rid Of Under Eye Dark Circles? 

March 25 2022

How To Get Rid Of Under Eye Dark Circles? 


If there's anything that everyone can agree on, it's that dark circles are an unattractive burden to bear. However, with the right skincare routine and expert advice, you can take steps to minimize the appearance of dark circles under your eyes.

What are Dark Circles Under the Eyes?

Dark circles are a discoloration of the skin on the lower eyelid. It causes uneven skin tone in young people and sometimes older people.

Main Causes of Dark Circles under the Eyes

- Dehydration
When there is not enough water in the body, the thin skin around the eyes tends to appear sunk, giving a dark appearance.

- Fatigue
Inadequate sleep causes the blood vessels around the eyes to become more visible, hence the dark appearance.

- Genetics
Dark circles under the eyes can also be inherited. A history of many family members having constant dark circles under the eyes could be genetic.

Ways of Effectively Treating Dark Circles Under the Eyes at Home

1. Getting Enough Sleep
Getting at least seven hours of sleep every night could help relieve fatigue, thus reducing dark circles under the eyes.

2. Slight Elevation When Sleeping
It is also important to consider slight elevation or incline of the head when sleeping. This allows the blood vessels to drain properly.

3. Applying Almond Oil Around the Eyes
Almond oil is a natural remedy that can help moisturize the skin around the eyes.

4. Cucumber and Green Tea
The vitamins and minerals in cucumber can tighten the skin around the eyes. This is due to its hydrating properties. Green tea contains caffeine which improves blood circulation around the eye area.

Medical Spa Treatments for Dark Circles Under the Eyes

Chemical Peels
Eyelid skin typically thins as we age and becomes less elastic. Eye peels brighten the eye area and remove dark circles, creases, and wrinkles. Getting a chemical peel in Michigan is a great option for those struggling with dark circles under their eyes.

Dark circles are mostly associated with less muscle volume under the eyes. Getting fillers helps increase muscle volume. If you are a Michigan resident struggling with dark circles around your eyes, you should consider getting fillers at Pure Laser Medspa.

Laser Skin Resurfacing
Laser skin resurfacing is the most common medical spa treatment. It is used to rejuvenate and tighten the skin around the eyes, reducing wrinkles and scars. Contact us today to make an appointment!

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